TikTok's Turn Around Challenge Is Even Better With Wine

On TikTok, people are participating in the turn around challenge which involves making synchronized movements to "Total Eclipse of the Heart."

Kelly Corbett - Author

In 1983, the world became obsessed with Bonnie Tyler's single "Total Eclipse of the Heart," in which she repeatedly asked her bright-eyed lover to turn around and remember what they had.

Over the years, there has been some debate about the song. Some listeners claim the song is about vampires in love. While others believe it is about a school teacher in love with a student as the music video portrayed.

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Regardless, the one thing that people can agree on is that the song is timeless and it will never not be a bop. Decades later it's still being featured in movies and TV shows. The song also inspired what is being called the turn around challenge on TikTok.

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What is the turn around challenge on TikTok?

The turn around challenge first started popping up on TikTok in 2020. After dying down for a few years, it began trending again in 2023.

The challenge invites requires at least two participants who must sit in a circle (sit back to back for two people) and do a side roll at the same time as everyone else in the circle. While each person rolls, they must relocate to the spot next to them without colliding into anyone else. The cue to roll is of course when "Turn around" is heard in the song "Total Eclipse of the Heart."

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Basically, everyone participating in this trend is excepted to have synchronized movements. If someone is just the teensiest bit off, there will likely be some feet in other people's faces.

Some folks have really upped the ante on this challenge by doing their rolls all while holding full wine bottles and/or glasses.

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But it's not always about pulling off the rolls flawlessly. The trend is about having fun. It is sometimes the videos that aren't as graceful that get the most love on the platform.

For example, in the TikTok above, viewers couldn't help but get a chuckle out of the women's jumble. In the comment, they also pointed out that there was a man in the back of the room who seemingly miss the entire performance while he worked on his laptop. Iconic.

So, will you be turning around with your friends and/or family anytime soon?
