Tanya Zuckerbrot Diet Plan - Healthy Celeb

Tanya Zuckerbrot is one of the most loved fitness experts out there because her famous F-Factor diet allows people to lose weight without giving up on carbs or wine. As she is quite fit herself, you can have some pointers on how to stay fit, look great and eat right from her. Interested? Read on to know her exact diet plan right here.

Early Mornings

The diva starts her day at 6 a.m. and has coffee to kick off her day (so like us!). Then, she munches on some fresh fruit, thanks to the bowls of fresh berries that are always in her kitchen. At 7:15 a.m., her kids leave for the school, and she gets down to her breakfast. What’s it like? Read in the next section.


For her, breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it kicks your metabolism for the day. She recommends all the followers of F-Factor to eat something within two hours of waking up. You can use breakfast to meet about half of your fiber needs daily. Her breakfast menu includes delish options like high fiber waffles or pancakes that are made with F-Factor’s 20/20 Fiber/ Protein Powder.

If she is in a hurry, she will make a smoothie from the powder and drink it while getting ready for the day. Her breakfast always has 20 grams of organic protein and 20 grams of organic fiber which helps her stay full until it’s lunchtime.


Like most of us, Tanya often has lunch at her desk. During this meal, she tries to eat a custom-made salad that’s heavy on non-starchy vegetables and protein. She is a fan of spinach, carrots, cucumber, broccoli, artichokes, hearts of palm, cauliflower, and scallions. All these are rich in flavor, texture, color, and fiber while having minimal calories. She adds an Asian dressing on the side and uses it minimally.

In cases she has to have lunch outside, she picks up a salad with tuna tartare or grilled protein source such as chicken or tuna. She pairs it up with a glass of Sancerre.


Zukerbrot likes to snack at around 4.30 p.m. by having 4 F-Factor Pizzas or a single F-Factor Fiber/ Protein Bar (Mint Chocolate Chip is her favorite as it tastes delicious with coffee while having ample amounts of fiber). Such a snack ensures that she doesn’t feel too hungry at dinnertime. The snack you have should have about 200-300 calories and a bit of protein and fiber.


Unlike many of us, the nationally-known dietitian enjoys a cocktail with her husband after work where they talk about each other’s days. She thinks that removing alcohol from the diet is not a good idea if you can’t sustain the habit for long. As she can’t sustain the habit of not having alcohol for long, she enjoys it without guilt.


At about 7:30 p.m., the beauty has dinner with family that starts with a broth-based soup or a salad and is usually followed by three to four ounces of lean protein and loads of vegetables. The soup and salad help her fill up and offset the hunger for the main course (where most people overeat).

Some of the recipes that she enjoys are shared in the F-Factor diet book. An example of which can be zoodles with mozzarella-stuffed meatballs and eggplant Parmesan lasagna. If she is in a mood to cook, she ends up making hearty chili with a DIY toppings bar or enjoys a go-to taco night. With such filling and tasty meal options, the stunner is right to say that she never feels deprived.

We wish we could all eat like her, don’t you?

Featured Image by Tanya Zuckerbrot / Instagram
