Star: Amanda Seyfried and Josh Hartnett are dating, hes really into her

Do you remember Josh Hartnett? He seemingly disappeared from the mainstream Hollywood radar a handful of years ago, which also coincided with the final breakup of his long-term relationship relationship with Scarlett Johansson in late 2007. Of course, those two broke up more than once, and a Dlisted reader spotted him attempting to get over ScarJo during one of their “off” periods by getting a beej in a bar bathroom from some random chick. Guess it didn’t work.

Anyway, I always found Josh to be sort of geeky cute even though I unfailingly associate him with the womanizing character he played in The Virgin Suicides. And he might very well be a douche in real life too. He’s taken to dating models and has supposedly been in a relationship with girlfriend Sophia Lie for about a year. Did they break up? Who knows, but Star has him hitting up Amanda Seyfried now:

Opposites attract? Well, maybe. But gorgeous Amanda Seyfried, 26 — who recently split from regular guy Andrew Joblon, a real estate exec, after five months together — and hunky Josh Hartnett just might be a perfect match. When the double-dated with “Dexter” costars (and back-on couple) Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter at L.A.’s Chateau Marmont on Jan 28, “Amanda and Josh were so comfortable with each other,” and observer tells Star. He really seemed into her.” That might be why Josh, 33, has cooled it with model Sophia Lie, whom he was seeing for a year!

[From Star, print edition, February 20, 2012]

That’s a strange little tidbit about Hall and Carpenter, right? Us Weekly does indeed have a new story (with a cozy photo of him holding her) about their possible reconcilation even though an insider claims they’re merely “good friends.” You know, good friends who cuddle and hold each other.

Part of me wants to believe this story because I think Josh and Amanda would make a smashing couple in the looks department. Still, Amanda has made quite a commotion about not being promiscuous and not having sex with everyone she dates; and Josh is the guy who got a random bathroom beej, so he might not be into a lady of so-called virtue. However, Amanda really does have a weakness for douches as evidenced by her past relationships with Ryan Phillipe and Dominic Cooper, so maybe she’ll fall for Josh after all.

Also, both Josh and Amanda are dog people. That’s gotta count for something.

Photos courtesy of WENN
