Scots boxing champ Josh Taylor gets tattoo tribute to 'sidekick' pup after tragic death

Devastated world boxing champ Josh Taylor has unveiled a tattoo on his left thigh in tribute to his beloved pet dog.

Heartbroken Taylor, from Prestonpans, East Lothian, lost his “bestest pal” when Manny ‘the PACman’ Taylor died last week.

Now the Tartan Tornado has posted photos on Instagram of the striking ink depiction of the treasured staffie’s face.

Taylor, 29, posted: “I’m absolutely delighted with my tattoo of the PACman - the detail in it is unreal. The PACman will always be by my side.”

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And the unified light-welterweight champion posed for a photo with award-winning tattoo artist Lewis Greig of Tranent-based Brass Buddha Tattoos.

Taylor last week paid a touching tribute to ‘the PACman’ - thought to be named after Philippines boxing legend Manny Pacquiao.

He posted on Insta: “It’s with a massively heavy heart that I’m writing this post.

"Yesterday has been one of the hardest things I’ve had to do in my life by saying farewell to my wee bestest pal and wee sidekick on this earth. Manny ‘the PACman’ Taylor.

“Words can’t describe how much this dog meant to me. He was always by my side everywhere I went.”

And Taylor told how his loyal companion would often steal the limelight from the world champion.

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He added: “He was such a friendly, funny, lovable & had a huge personality about him.

“He always got attention everywhere he went even so much so, that when TV cameras came to interview me, he always stole the limelight and was on tele more than me.

“This dog has gave me a lifetime of love, loyalty, laughs, friendships & memories. One things for sure I’ll never forget you Manny. Rest in peace my boy.”

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Friends, fans and fellow dog owners sent best wishes to Taylor in response to his emotional outpouring.

Broadcaster Gordon Smart posted: “Always the best hello and the worst goodbye, Josh. Big love. He had a brilliant life my man.”
