Jennifer Aniston chopped off her hair after Brazilian chemical treatment disaster


Jennifer Aniston cut her hair! This is big news. I guess. I’ve actually been wondering why there has been little to no Aniston news the past few weeks, and as it turns out, it’s because she’s recovering from a bad “Brazilian” and she had to cut off most of her hair. You can see the exclusive photos here and here – it looks like her hair is now just a choppy bob, and I don’t know if her hair is wet or greasy in those pics, but it looks awful. Aniston confirmed the “Brazilian” disaster when she spoke to Elle UK recently:

On Friday night ELLE exclusively chatted with Jennifer Aniston, she of the we-want-it hair and former owner of the now infamous Rachel haircut. When putting to her the question of whether she would consider cutting her hair for a role she revealed that she has just gone for the chop.

‘Funny you say that. I actually just cut all my hair off two days ago,’ the star told exclusively. The haircut is so new, freshly cut last Wednesday, that the actress is yet to step out with her newly cropped hair.

So why the change? ‘It wasn’t for a role. My hair went through a phase – I did this thing called a Brazilian and my hair did not react really well to it. It’s about 2-inches above my shoulders now,’ Aniston revealed.

It’s not the worst timing for the star to feel compelled to cut her hair, this season mid-length hair, or as ELLE called it in our AW13 trend report ‘The Rebel Cut’, is every where. In fact, numerous members of team ELLE including our editor-in-chief Lorraine, fashion features director Rebecca Lowthorpe and news editor Leisa Barnett have all gone for the chop (and we’re not exaggerating when we say there are too many ELLE staffers to list them all here).

But not one to follow trends, the actress isn’t too sure about her new shorter haircut.

‘The minute I cut my hair I want it back. Always. It’s a guarantee. I’m trying really hard to love this one,’ she said.

It’s not the first time the star has sported a bob; her hairdresser and longtime friend Chris Macmillan (who also cut off Miley Cyrus’s hair) tends to crop Aniston’s hair every few years to keep it looking healthy.

[From Elle UK]

I had no idea what this “Brazilian” treatment was until I read this story at The Daily Mail – apparently, it’s like a hardcore chemical straightening process using “formaldehyde and keratin” to keep your hair straight for three months. You know what’s funny about this? SO MUCH. For one, I think many women would love to have Jennifer’s naturally curly Greek hair, but she’s spent most of her adult life trying to look like Gwyneth Paltrow, complete with straight, flat-ironed, damaged-looking blonde hair.

This is also amusing because Jennifer has been shilling her MIT-produced haircare line Living Proof as the “answer” to all of your hair needs. What’s that, Aniston? The Living Proof haircare line is insufficient for your needs so you had to go in for a sketchy and controversial chemical treatment? Well, I’ll be damned. Jennifer Aniston’s hair is MADE OF LIES.

Here are some photos from the last time Aniston had shorter hair, in early 2011:


Photos courtesy of WENN.
