Felicity Huffman Receives A Recommendation Of 1 Month In Jail For College Admissions Scandal Involve

Reported by Refinery29.com, Felicity Huffman may have to serve a one-month jail sentence, in addition to a year of probation, and a $20,000 charge.

Huffman was charged with a number of different crimes, including mail fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud. These charges typically carry 4-10 month jail sentences. The prosecutors in the case claimed that Huffman agreed to pay $15,000 for her daughter to have her exam corrected. The money was disguised as a donation to William Singer’s foundation.

Reportedly, the star’s sentencing will begin on the 13th of September, next week. In a letter to the judge, Felicity claims her daughter never played any role in the scandal, and she didn’t know about it at all. Huffman appeared regretful, stating that she was blinded by her desire to give her daughter the opportunity she needed.


In the letter, Huffman said she was trying to do what was best for her daughter. Initially, she believed it was giving her daughter a real chance at getting into the school, however, the irony is seeing now that what she was doing was the “opposite of fair.” The actress is among several people affected by the scandal, named by the FBI, Operation Varsity Blues.

There were a reported 13 other people involved in the scandal. Deadline reported that Huffman and her legal team were asking for a sentence of no time behind bars, 250 hours of community service, a $20,000 fine, as well as one-year probation.

In a letter released by the US attorney for the District Court of Massachusetts, Andrew Lelling, stated that it was his belief that at least some jail time was needed in the case of these crimes.


Lelling stated that the appropriate restitution was to give Felicity jail time, a place behind bars where she’ll be the same as everyone else in terms of status. He added that millions of people send their children to college and higher education every year, and they don’t buy their way into it.
