Exclusive Interview: 'Last Man Standing' star Jet Jurgensmeyer

At just 13 years old, actor and singer Jet Jurgensmeyer is one of the many individuals who are out there fulfilling their wildest dreams. From an early age, Jurgensmeyer has been on screen filming Hot in Cleveland, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Will and Grace, and later this month, Last Man Standing on FOX. But then again, that isn’t all he’s been doing. He recently released his single “A Lot More Love” to help bring joy and positivity to the world. Honestly, if you take a listen, it sort of helps you forget all the animosity there is in the world. It’s not just that song you should tune into, he has a few more under his belt that makes you remember there’s good in the world. Check out our full interview with Jet Jurgensmeyer!

Loving the message of your latest single “A Lot More Love.” Was there a moment or situation that made you think, “I need to create this song. Right now it’s the time”?
Jet Jurgensmeyer: My producer Butch Baker found the song. As soon as I heard it I knew I wanted to record it. I was thinking about how much fighting is going on in the world right now and thought this song has the best message.

All your songs are pretty positive actually. What is your motivation and the message you’re trying to put out there when you are thinking about putting out a new song?
Well, at my age, I have to watch what I sing about. It needs to be age appropriate. I also love having a good positive message in my songs.

You’ve worked with Sabrina Carpenter in the past who we’re a huge fan of too! Who are other artists you’d like to collaborate with in the future?
Sabrina is a great friend and like a big sister to me. I look up to her so much. I would also love to work with Ed Sheeran and Shawn Mendes. These guys are so talented. I think I could really learn a lot from them.

Being that you’re from Nashville, did Country music have a huge influence on you growing up or did you want to sort of eventually dive deeper into different genres?
Yes! Country music is why I am here. I love it and would love to be a crossover artist and be able to do different kinds of music. My parents have always taught me that good music is good music, so I really enjoy all types of music.

I read that you’re also working on your debut music project. How’s that going for you so far?
Things are going great. We will be back in the studio in the next month to record about 5 more songs. I am really excited for everyone to hear the new music.

From singing to acting, I find it incredibly difficult just thinking about doing both. How do you juggle taking the time to do both careers you’re passionate about?
Well, really it is all I have ever known. It is pretty easy for me. I wouldn’t complain at all. I am just really fortunate to be able to do both. I love it!

Having your show picked up by FOX was amazing, how is your character involved in this upcoming season?
This is my first season in Last Man Standing. It is amazing to be included in this show with these great actors. Everyone is so nice and encouraging to me. I think you will see a really cool relationship develop between Boyd and Mike. They are a lot alike.

Is there a career path you’d like to consider getting your feet into later down the line?
I want to keep doing what I am doing, but I would like to write more music and actually scripts. I would love to develop a script and produce and direct one day too.

What is your biggest career goal that you’d like to achieve?
I guess to be successful enough to keep doing what I am doing. I want to grow as an artist. My parents always tell me if you get to wake up every day and do what you love, you are very rich man. It has nothing to do with money. Your time and happiness are what matters.

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