4 fighters that Buggy can beat (and 4 he never will)

Buggy has surprisingly better matchups than most One Piece fans give him credit for.

Unlike the rest of the Roger Pirates, Buggy lacks the combat skills of his former crewmates. There's a reason why he was the starter villain of the One Piece series, not counting Higuma.

While he would lose to most opponents, Buggy is a versatile fighter with plenty of tricks up his sleeve. The Bara Bara no Mi allows him to split his body into pieces and telekinetically control them. He is also completely immune to slashing attacks. Buggy can hold his own and win a few fights here and there.

Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.

Somehow and some way, Buggy can defeat the following One Piece characters

4) Kuro

Kuro is yet another early One Piece villain. This master planner first showed up in the Syrup Village arc, where he demonstrated his deadly cunning multiple times. Kuro can easily tear apart most of his targets with his Cat Claws. He can also use the Nuki Ashi technique to sneak behind enemies.

With that said, he is completely outmatched by Buggy and his Devil Fruit powers. Kuro's sword attacks won't do anything in this fight. By comparison, Buggy can still cut him with his throwing knives. He can also blow up Kuro with a Muggy Ball, which can blow up entire buildings.

Kuro doesn't have the physical defense to withstand this powerful move.

3) Arlong

This powerful Fishman gave Luffy a hard time back in the Arlong Park arc. His physical strength is greater than a regular human by at least tenfold. Most of his attacks are very sharp by nature, since Arlong's nose and teeth will hurt his enemies. He also carries a giant blade known as Kiribachi.

With that said, Arlong faces the same problem as Kuro. His attacks will not affect Buggy due to his Bara Bara no Mi. Arlong is very durable, so Buggy will have to rely on his Muggy Ball. The destructive capacity should finish the job here.

Arlong would only win if he was near a body of water. Remember, it's a natural weakness for Devil Fruit users in the One Piece series.

2) Tashigi

Tashigi's skill with swordplay has only gotten better ever since the One Piece timeskip. She can also deflect cannonballs before they explode. This means she can easily deal with any Muggy Ball thrown at her.

Buggy is not going to have an easy time with this fight, even though he is immune to her slashing attacks. Tashigi not only knows Haki, she can also use Rokushiki. However, she isn't the smartest fighter since Tashigi always goes after far stronger opponents. Buggy can take advantage of this with his clever tactics.

Back in the Loguetown arc, he tricked Zoro into letting his guard down by playing dead, giving him the chance to stab the swordsman. Buggy could easily pull off this maneuver with Tashigi.

1) Galdino (formerly Mr. 3)

Galdino used to be a Baroque Works agent before he became a member of the Buggy Pirates. He can manipulate wax with the Doru Doru no Mi. Galdino can even change between solid and liquid states.

Buggy needs to be very careful, or else he could get trapped within the wax. Of course, Galdino's Devil Fruit has a specific weakness to really hot temperatures. Buggy could feasibly melt them with his explosive techniques. However, the clown doesn't have an unlimited supply.

In the end, Buggy only wins if he can throw a Muggy Ball at the right time. He could try distracting Galdino with his split body parts before delivering a finishing blow. Regardless, this will be a difficult battle for both competitors.

In the meanwhile, Buggy doesn't stand a chance against these One Piece characters

4) Caesar Clown

One Piece sure does have a lot of clown villains in this series. Both of them are often presented as jokes, but Caesar is a very lethal one.

Logia Devil Fruits will always be extremely dangerous in the One Piece series. Caesar has the ability to create and control various gases with the Gasu Gasu no Mi. He can also transform into an intangible state.

Buggy has never been shown using Haki in the One Piece series. This means he cannot deal with a Logia type user. If these clowns were to fight each other, Caesar would simply knock Buggy out.

3) Emporio Ivankov

Both of these Impel Down escapees are known for their comedic personalities. With that said, Ivankov means serious business during battle. He was able to defeat Sanji multiple times during the One Piece timeskip. More impressively, he also stood up to Bartholomew Kuma.

Ivankov's mastery of Newkama Kenpo makes him a powerful martial artist. He can also remodel the human body with the Horu Horu no Mi. Ivankov often uses it on himself to strengthen his own attacks.

Buggy can try floating away, but Ivankov can shorten the distance with his Hell Winks. These long range attacks can deal a lot of damage.

2) Dracule Mihawk

As seen during Marineford, even the world's greatest swordsman cannot cut through Buggy's body. The Bara Bara no Mi is a great way to deal with slashing attacks. Even then, Mihawk is still not losing to Buggy anytime soon.

Muggy Balls can still be deflected back to Buggy. Mihawk's sword techniques are refined in such a way that he can easily counter attacks with a flick of his wrist.

On a related note, Mihawk should also be a Haki master. Otherwise, he would've never been able to evenly duel Shanks. Mihawk arguably has the strength and speed to pummel Buggy into the ground. He doesn't need a sword to win this One Piece matchup.

1) Shanks

One Piece fans already know that Shanks could win this fight in his sleep. His strength is on par with Kaido and Big Mom. Shanks is among the most powerful characters ever seen in One Piece.

Instead, this article will talk about the main difference between Shanks and Buggy, despite both of them being former members of the Roger Pirates. The former worked hard to get to where he is. Meanwhile, the latter is simply too lazy and would rather have others fight for his cause.

Buggy had several years to hone his combat skills, yet he chose not to. It's a real shame, given the full potential of the Bara Bara no Mi. Buggy could've been a real threat in the One Piece series.

Disclaimer: All external media in this article are the property of their respective owners and Sportskeeda claims no ownership of the same.

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